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Top Performance

Welcome to Tyler Jensen's personal blog about creating the best business. 

Writer's pictureTyler Jensen

Unlocking Success: Implement Systems to Always Be Selling

What Does It Take to Build a Successful Agency? What do I have to do, and what do I have to avoid? One of the biggest challenges insurance agents face daily is inconsistency—the feeling of being pulled in all directions, putting out fires, and struggling to get the most important tasks done. A great mentor of mine, Rory Vaden, said, “Inconsistency is the kiss of death for any business.” This is absolutely true. You need to be consistent in your business activities.


Not having a consistent system in place for sales, employees, marketing, servicing, customer experiences, and leadership leads to inconsistent results. Without a consistent system, you get no consistent results. It takes daily effort to perform at a top level every day. When you are inconsistent with your efforts, you get inconsistent results.

When it comes to selling insurance, persistence is key. Persistence stems from a French word that means "a steady course of action." To sell insurance, you always need to be selling insurance. It is a steady course of action that needs to happen. You need to sell new accounts each month. It is not something you can do a few days a week; it is a steady course of action. As a business owner, your number one responsibility is to sell. Selling is not something you can be inconsistent at. It is not something you can do a few days a month. It is the single most important job of any business. Your entire business existence rests on your being persistent in this area of your business. It is a steady course of action, a process that needs to be part of your life.


When I think about other things in life that take persistence, I think of working out and building muscle. Getting into shape and staying in shape does not happen by going to the gym a few days a month. It takes a steady course of action. If you want a six-pack, they don’t just show up overnight. It takes discipline and action on your part to create consistent systems that progress you along that journey. You cannot expect to get a six-pack of abs by going to the gym a few days a week.

For insurance, you and your office need to develop killer ABS. I’m talking about getting you and your team a six-pack. To do this, it starts with what I call the 100 chair crunches throughout the day. You just rock back and forth in your office chair, and after a while, you start feeling the burn... I’m totally kidding! However, you do need to develop ABS—Always Be Selling. A six-pack of sales includes six systems you can put in place in your office to allow every staff member to naturally bring up more selling opportunities, even if they are not in a sales role. These are:


1. Policy Changes

2. Policy Reviews

3. A Little Extra Effort Goes a Long Way

4. Referral Program

5. Welcome Calls

6. What I Do for Work


Do you want more information on implementing these systems into your office to allow your staff members to Always Be Selling and create persistence? Comment the word "ABS," and we can connect for a free top performance call to take your agency to the next level.

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